The Gram Panchayat, which is the primary tier of rural self-government in India, has several significant responsibilities and functions. One of its key duties is to plan for economic development and social welfare in the village. Additionally, Gram Panchayats are responsible for the provision of basic services and infrastructure, such as clean drinking water, sanitation facilities, healthcare, and roads. They also promote education and cultural activities in the community.
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Moreover, the Gram Panchayats have the power to impose taxes, fines, and fees for various services and activities. They implement government programs and schemes at the grassroots level and provide a forum for local residents to participate in decision-making processes. The Gram Panchayat is accountable to the people, and its members are elected by the villagers.
Overall, the Gram Panchayat plays a crucial role in the overall development of rural areas by empowering local communities to manage their affairs and improving their living conditions.