Explain the concept of Basic Education system and pedagogy as per Gandhiji.

Mahatma Gandhi, the revered leader of the Indian independence movement, had a unique perspective on the concept of basic education and pedagogy. Get the full solved assignment PDF of BESC-131 of 2022-23 session now. According to Gandhiji, education should focus on the holistic development of an individual and the cultivation of moral values. Gandhiji emphasized […]

Explain the concept of Basic Education system and pedagogy as per Gandhiji. Read More »

How philosophy and education are interrelated with each other? Explain.

Philosophy and education share a profound interrelation, as philosophy establishes the fundamental principles and framework that underpin education. Get the full solved assignment PDF of BESC-131 of 2022-23 session now. Philosophy serves as a guiding force, influencing educational theories, curriculum design, teaching methodologies, and the overall objectives of education. The connection between philosophy and education

How philosophy and education are interrelated with each other? Explain. Read More »

Compare and contrast among the face-to-face, distance and online education system.

Face-to-face education, distance education, and online education are three distinct approaches to learning, each with its own set of merits and drawbacks. Get the full solved assignment PDF of BESC-131 of 2022-23 session now. Face-to-face education refers to the traditional classroom setting where students and teachers engage in direct, in-person interactions. Distance education involves learning

Compare and contrast among the face-to-face, distance and online education system. Read More »

Discuss educational philosophy of Ari Aurobindo with special reference to aims of education, curriculum, pedagogy and relationship between teacher and students.

Aurobindo Ghose, popularly known as Sri Aurobindo, was a philosopher, poet, and spiritual leader who developed a distinctive educational philosophy centered on the holistic growth of individuals. Get the full solved assignment PDF of BESC-131 of 2022-23 session now. His educational approach aimed to nurture the innate divinity within each person, integrating spiritual, intellectual, and

Discuss educational philosophy of Ari Aurobindo with special reference to aims of education, curriculum, pedagogy and relationship between teacher and students. Read More »

Explain the concept of social aim of education. Discuss arguments in favour and against the social aim of education.

The social aim of education revolves around the notion that education should not solely focus on individual development but also on the improvement of society as a whole. Get the full solved assignment PDF of BESC-131 of 2022-23 session now. It emphasizes the role of education in shaping responsible citizens, promoting social cohesion, and addressing

Explain the concept of social aim of education. Discuss arguments in favour and against the social aim of education. Read More »

Write a short note on major dimensions of social exclusion.

Social exclusion is a complex phenomenon that involves the marginalization and denial of opportunities, resources, and social participation to certain individuals or groups in society. Get the full solved assignment PDF of BPAC-114 of 2022-23 session now. It encompasses various significant dimensions, each contributing to the exclusionary processes. Economic exclusion is characterized by limited access

Write a short note on major dimensions of social exclusion. Read More »

What do you mean by citizen’s charter?

A citizen’s charter is a document or initiative that outlines the rights, entitlements, and expectations of citizens regarding public services provided by government agencies or organizations. Get the full solved assignment PDF of BPAC-114 of 2022-23 session now. Its primary purpose is to promote transparency, accountability, and good governance. Typically, a citizen’s charter includes information

What do you mean by citizen’s charter? Read More »

Define decentralisaiton.

Decentralization refers to the process of transferring authority, power, and decision-making from a central governing body or authority to lower levels of governance, such as regional, local, or community levels. Get the full solved assignment PDF of BPAC-114 of 2022-23 session now. The objective of decentralization is to foster greater participation, autonomy, and accountability in

Define decentralisaiton. Read More »

What is a public private partnership?

A public-private partnership (PPP) is a cooperative agreement between the public and private sectors with the common objective of working together on projects or delivering services. Get the full solved assignment PDF of BPAC-114 of 2022-23 session now. It involves the pooling of resources, expertise, and responsibilities by both parties to achieve common goals. PPPs

What is a public private partnership? Read More »

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