"NEET UG 2024 Grace Marks Revoked for 1563 Candidates, Retest Option Announced: Supreme Court"

In relation to the NEET-UG 2024 controversy, the Centre on Thursday (June 13) informed the Supreme Court that a decision has been taken to cancel the grace marks awarded to 1563 students. These 1563 candidates will be informed of their actual scores (without the grace marks) and will be given the option to appear for a re-test, the counsel appearing for the Union Government informed the Supreme Court today. If those students do not wish to take the re-test, their scores based on the exam held on "neet-ug-2024-grace-marks-revoked-retest-option-supreme-court" https://www.livelaw.in/top-stories/neet-ug-2024-grace-marks-given-to-1563-candidates-will-be-cancelled-theyll-be-given-retest-option-centre-tells-supreme-court-260388.Advocate Kanu Agarwal, representing the Union Government, told a vacation bench comprising Justices Vikram Nath and Sandeep Mehta, that the decision was taken by the panel constituted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) on June 12 to "allay the fears of the students". Agarwal stated that the panel was of the view that the award of compensatory marks to 1563 students on the grounds of loss of time resulted in a "skewed situation" because the grace marks had to be limited only to the unattempted "neet-ug-2024-grace-marks-revoked-retest-option-supreme-court" https://www.livelaw.in/top-stories/neet-ug-2024-grace-marks-given-to-1563-candidates-will-be-cancelled-theyll-be-given-retest-option-centre-tells-supreme-court-260388,Taking note of these facts, the bench dictated the following order : "The petitioner who had appeared for NEET-UG 2024 has raised a grievance regarding the grant of compensatory marks to 1563 candidates using the normalisation formula where, at the examination centres, the candidates who were not allowed 3 hours 20 minutes time admissible to them were permitted to take their examination for lesser time. The compensatory marks have been awarded based on the recommendation of a Grievance Redressa https://www.livelaw.in/top-stories/neet-ug-2024-grace-marks-given-to-1563-candidates-will-be-cancelled-theyll-be-given-retest-option-centre-tells-supreme-court-260388.This award of compensatory marks was challenged. The National Testing Agency constituted another committee to reconsider the issue and gave its recommendation on the award of compensatory marks. The subsequent committee held meetings on 10, 11 and 12th June 2024 and has made recommendations which have been placed before us. According to the recommendations, it has been suggested that the score-cards of the affected 1563 candidates issued on June 4, 2024 will stand cancelled and withdrawn. "neet-ug-2024-grace-marks-revoked-retest-option-supreme-court" These https://www.livelaw.in/top-stories/neet-ug-2024-grace-marks-given-to-1563-candidates-will-be-cancelled-theyll-be-given-retest-option-centre-tells-supreme-court "neet-ug-2024-grace-marks-revoked-retest-option-supreme-court"



hey i am syed


wonderful bro

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