Measurement, assessment, and evaluation are distinct components in the realm of education, each serving specific purposes:
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Measurement: Measurement involves the process of assigning numerical values or scores to quantify specific attributes or characteristics. It utilizes standardized instruments or rubrics to gauge various aspects of a student’s performance or knowledge.
Assessment: Assessment encompasses diverse methods and tools employed to gather information about student learning. It involves collecting evidence of performance, understanding, and skills. Assessments can take the form of tests, exams, observations, class discussions, or projects, providing valuable insights into student progress.
Evaluation: Evaluation entails making judgments or interpretations based on assessment data. It centers around determining the quality, value, or effectiveness of student performance or learning outcomes. Evaluations often involve comparing student achievements against predefined standards or criteria to make informed decisions about student progress, instructional efficacy, or program effectiveness.
To summarize, measurement assigns numerical values, assessment collects evidence, and evaluation interprets assessment data to make informed judgments about student learning and instructional practices.